Grab Your Global Swizzle Stick: It’s Cocktail Time!
A lot of recipes are circulating right now for “Plague Water” and other historically based cocktails to help us through the...
Food Memories from the Pantries of COVID-19
For those of us normally obsessed with historical and contemporary food adventures, the self-quarantined existence of the present-day...
Catering to the Souls of Black Folk
Black intellectual W.E.B. du Bois (1868-1963) is not particularly known for his attention to foodways. Du Bois was one of the first...
Summer Your Soup
The Caribbean soup known as “callaloo” is a tropical, cool-down exercise found on many islands: from Jamaica to Antigua, Haiti, Trinidad...
The Dark and Stormy
Admiral Christopher Columbus claimed to have found ginger growing in the West Indies and he is said to have observed the root hanging...
Improving on the Food of the Gods
“I shall from Jamaica give you a better Book, and (I believe) better Chocolata,” boasted Henry Stubbe in 1662.[1] The scramble for the...
Dirt-Eating in Haiti
Not only were African-derived food traditions transmitted across the Atlantic, but also the memory and politics of hunger moved from one...
Season of Sorrel
For those of us exiled in the cold countries, the month of January marked the end of the holiday season and silenced all excuses for...
The Secret Iguanas in my Kitchen
After long sea voyages to their Caribbean destinations, many of the early travelers to the Caribbean became food obsessed. The plump...